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- 8th Grade Tesoro Information and Visit 2025
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What is Bullying
Effects of Bullying
Stop Bullying on the Spot
Videos for Dealing with Bullies
Are you a Cyberbully? Take the Quiz
What Kids Can Do to stop Bullying
Parent Bullying Resources
Bullying Advice for Parents
How Parents can Prevent Bullying
The School Counselor's Role in Bully Prevention

Rude Mean Bullying flowchart
Follow the flowchart to determine if the other person is being rude, mean, a bully, or if there is a conflict between the two of you

Rude Mean Bullying descriptions
A rude person is spontaneously inconsiderate, and is not trying to hurt you. A mean person is spontaneously trying to hurt you. A bully is purposefully trying to hurt you, over and over, and you haven't done anything back to them. A conflict is when both people have been hurt by the other person.