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- 8th Grade Tesoro Information and Visit 2025
- 8th Grade Elective Information 2025-26
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- Counselor's Corner
Counselor's Corner
the School Counseling program
the School Counseling program![]()
the School Counseling program
The Capistrano Unified School District counseling program's goal is to ensure that all students develop the knowledge, attitudes, and skills that will lead to behaviors that support academic achievement and social-emotional well-being. This is achieved through the school counseling program's services such as:
- Classroom-based lessons (in grades K-8) including the Second Step curriculum for social-emotional learning, lessons created by the School Counselor, and a suicide prevention lesson for 7th graders
- Small group counseling for students to build skills alongside peers
- Conflict resolution using restorative practices
- Individual counseling using short, solution-focused sessions aimed at giving students the tools they will need to solve problems on their own
- Crisis counseling for students who exhibit signs of being a danger to themself or others
- Providing referrals for families to access community resources
AV School Counseling Program Vision Statement
The vision of the Arroyo Vista School Counseling Program is that all students become confident learners and respectful citizens. Our students possess the social-emotional, academic, and career skills necessary to reach their fullest academic potential and lead successful lives as empathetic, compassionate, responsible and productive members of society.
AV School Counseling Program Mission Statement
The mission of the Arroyo Vista School Counseling Program is to provide equal access for all students to a data-driven comprehensive school counseling program by a certificated professional school counselor. The school counseling program collaborates with stakeholders to address students' social-emotional, academic, and college/career development through needs assessments that drive evidence-based interventions and data analysis of outcomes. The school counselor will facilitate actions for a positive school environment where all students can learn to overcome challenges in order to be successful. The school counselor will advocate for all students as they strive to achieve their personal and academic goals.
AV School Counseling Program Beliefs
- All students have value and worth.
- All students have the ability to succeed academically and thrive social-emotionally when they feel supported at school.
- All students can learn to overcome challenges in order to be successful in a positive, nurturing school environment.
- All students will have equal access to a school counselor who advocates for their academic, social-emotional, and college/career development through a comprehensive school counseling program.
- School counselors will support all students by meeting data-driven needs through evidence-based practices.
- School counselors identify barriers to success and collaborate with stakeholders to implement interventions that support student achievement.
- School counselors provide a comprehensive school counseling program that follows the ASCA National Model and ethical guidelines.
- School counselors help students to become self-advocates in their academic, social-emotional, and career development.
- The school counseling program collaborates with educational stakeholders to increase equity and access to opportunity.
- The school counseling program will include purposeful and meaningful interventions that work to minimize the achievement gap.
- The comprehensive school counseling program meets students’ developmental needs as identified through needs assessments, implements evidence-based programs, and uses data to analyze outcomes.
Conversations between the school counselor and a student are confidential, unless the school counselor has reason to suspect harm:
- The student may harm themself
- The student may harm somebody else
- Somebody may harm the student
Click Here for the Counseling Referral Form
Conflict Mediation Help
Elementary School Counselor
Andrea Hitchcock
room 503
Days on Campus: Thurs/Fri and every other Wed
Email: ANHitchcock@capousd.org
Middle School Counselor
Lindsey Morris
room 504
Days on Campus: Monday-Wednesday
Email: LiRMorris@capousd.org